After traveling to Cambodia, an associate – Kerstin Schnyder – and I decided to get involved and support a local hospital. Being caught up in our jobs we came up with the only solution to get our charity project started: combining our marketing and design skills to found leSchal. We import hand-woven cotton and silk scarves, developed in collaboration and sourced from a local NGO-supported workshop and sell the products online. The entire profit is donated to the Angkor Hospital for Children in Siem Reap where it is used for the fight against dengue fever, everyday expenses of the hospital or even for open heart surgeries. Over 52 000 US Dollars have been raised so far and people on both sides of the world benefit. The experience we gain is beyond price and we love to share with anyone who is working on similar projects. We also would like to connect and link our page to others who would like to support us.